WP7: Exploitation & Dissemination
Two task fall into this Workpackage
- Development and execution of a dissemination plan
- Development and execution of an exploitation plan
Download here the general brochure on S(P)EEDKITS, a pdf explaining the background and the activities of the project.
A 3 page summary of the report on S(P)EEDKITS. The brochure gives an overview of the main activities during the first 18 months of the project. Several concepts have been defined, some development have been started up and are ongoing.
From November 1 to 10, the European project S(P)EEDKITS will test novel shelter solutions in the Sagnioniogo refugee camp in Burkina Faso. Researchers of Centexbel (BE), VUB - University of Brussels (BE) and POLIMI- Politecnico di Milano (IT) will...